Saturday 29 November 2008

Call me stubborn but ...

Had a quick flick through a Christmas gift catalogue this morning and thought I'd found the perfect (and inexpensive) gift that would do most folk I know. It was a passport holder with the thistle and the words "Scotland Passport" (see photo). Was just about to order when I saw what they are called ... "Regions Passport"! Call me stubborn but I am giving NO MONEY to a company that refers to my country as a region. They've also got one for Ireland but why? Ireland has its own passport, it doesn't need a fake one so they don't even know that Ireland is not a region of Britain. Aaargh.


Grogipher said...

I agree completely - trying to cash in on something is fine; I'll admit I want one haha, but not if they don't even understand the situations.

I have the same thing though with shops that abuse apostrophes, so maybe I'm not the best example of anything...

- said...

Scotland _is_ a region by any accepted definition of the word.